Open calls
Closed calls
Brief description: The positions will preferably be on one of the following topics: algebraic and enumerative geometry, in particular geometry of moduli spaces, low-dimensional topology, and related representation theory, combinatorics and mathematical physics. They are founded by Anton Mellit‘s ERC Consolidator Grant “Refined invariants in combinatorics, low-dimensional topology and geometry of moduli spaces”.
Positions are initially intended for 2 years (postdoc) and 3 years (PhD student), extension can be negotiated. There are no teaching duties. Positions can start on June 1st, 2021 or later.
Application procedure: send a CV and a research statement to, moreover arrange sending at least 2 letters of recommendation to the same address.
Brief description: The post-doctoral position will preferably be on one of the following topics: flag varieties, Schubert varieties and their degenerations; Kac-Moody groups and algebras, and their representations; algebraic groups in positive characteristic and parity sheaves; quantum groups at a root of unity.
If you wish to advertise the open positions at your university on this page, please get in touch with any member of the group.